A few months before being killed by an American commando, Osama Bin Laden was worried about the possibility of Al-Qaida, to get ‘aged’, according to some documents declassified by the CIA. The last files confiscated by the American troops in Pakistan, during the operation in which Osama Bin Laden was killed, in the complex of Abbottabad in which he was hidden, in 2011, shows an Arab leader concerned about the development of his terrorist organization. A letter of one of his subordinates shows an increasing concern of Osama bin Laden, ten years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
The leader of the Arab terrorist organization speaks about the fear of seeing the organization getting older and degrading, just like other organizations. These documents, dating from 2010, some written by Osama bin Laden and some written in his name, also shows that the leader of Al-Qaida was determined to consider the USA as the main enemy.
The documents reveal also an worried father, who had warned his sons not to carry electronic devices that would make their movements easy to be monitored. Also, these documents show the significant time spent by Osama bin Laden to organize foreign citizens’ kidnapping executed by some of the subsidiaries of his organization and the special attention he gave to the events in his country, Yemen, where he was developing one of his new subsidiary, the Al-Qaida from the Arabic peninsula.
The jihadist leader also have time for some tips for his combatants in North Africa, constrained to ‘an unhappy celibate’ because of the lack of available wives. ‘God is not ashamed of the truth’, writes one of his assistants quoting him: ‘We do not raise any objection to clarify things and to tell our brothers that, in this situation, they may, of course, masturbate’, according to the AFP.