The Florida Highway Patrol shared a photo of a man’s crude attempt to update his vehicle registration sticker manually using a permanent marker.
The tweet from the FHP Orlando account shows a license plate tag sticker where someone had used a permanent marker to try to change the expiration date from “02-17” to “02-18.”
Trooper Steve Montiero, who made the traffic stop, said he didn’t actually fine the driver or file a report for the offense. He said the driver was warned not to continue using the vehicle with expired registration and was allowed to call someone else to give him a ride. Luckily, the driver was able to find a close friend to come pick him up and bring him home.
The lesson learned here folks is that this type of alteration on your license plate tag can land you with some big fines and even jail-time. So before you go and get out your sharpie and modify those black little numbers on your tag. Think about this article first and be glad that you didn’t do it!
If you can’t afford the measly $35 a year to renew your vehicle license plate tag in your state then maybe you should look for a better paying job, or find a better rate on your car insurance so have more money to pay your vehicle registration each year.
Source Link: UPI
Well, the First thing i can See is, That was a TRULY PATHETIC attempt at registration Sticker alteration. 2nd Thing is, This Person had NO IDEA What he was doing Or even how do do an update convincingly.
If you’re gonna Forge Gov’t Documents ( aside from the fact tht it can get you In VERY DEEP trouble, then you need to do it properly.
This was a clear Example of how NOT to Do IT!!! .
Or how about knowing that the statue laws are unconstitutional. Example a vehicle under statue law is any mode of transportation used in commercial use. How about that driving is a right and not a privilege..
$121.00 in Illinois druckers. Read the rules; get a job or work for the highway authority and get a pass.