Wedding Crashers celebrates its 10th anniversary today and, though Owen Wilson played lovable John Beckwith in the film, which ends with him winning the heart of Rachel McAdams’ Claire, he’s no saint.
In fact, he’s kind of the bad guy. Not Bradley Cooper, whose character is portrayed the villain in this film. Yes, Cooper’s Zachary “Sack” Lodge has his faults, but he was just minding his own business when Beckwith came along and basically ruined his life.
Here are 10 reasons why Cooper may have been wrongly labeled in “Wedding Crashers.”
1 — Beckwith Is a Liar
First off, how did Beckwith meet Claire? He crashed her sister’s wedding. He wasn’t even supposed to be there and he lied from the start about who he was and what he did for a living. Grandma Mary Cleary did the right thing and chased John and Jeremy (Wilson and Vince Vaughn) off the family property with a shotgun when she found out.
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PHOTO: The “Wedding Crashers” movie poster.
2 — Beckwith Flirted With His Girlfriend
Let’s not forget that Lodge was dating Claire when she met Beckwith. Is nothing sacred in this world? Beckwith just kept hitting on this girl, who had a boyfriend, and didn’t care — not one bit. Is that how you start off a relationship?
3 — He’s a Great Athlete
There’s such a negative spin on the touch football game between Lodge, and John and Jeremy. Jeremy kept ending up on his back, because Sack kept hitting him. But, in fact, Jeremy was playing quarterback and that’s what Maryland does — “football and crab cakes.” Lodge is simply a great athlete. What do you want him to do? Take it easy on Jeremy and lose the game. No, he gave it his all, and that’s what we teach all our children to do.
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PHOTO: Bradley Cooper in “Wedding Crashers”.
4 — He Got Poisoned
At the family estate, Beckwith poisons Lodge during dinner with some kind of liquid concoction from a bottle of eye drops that forces him to be sick all night and sleep in the bathroom, throwing up. Why would any human being do this to someone else? Well, all because Beckwith wanted to be alone with Claire. Look at the facts, Lodge is the victim.
5 — Lodge Did All He Could to Make Claire’s Engagement Party a Special Night
On the night of Claire’s engagement party to Lodge, Beckwith once again tried to crash the event. What did Lodge do? He found Beckwith and took him out back to tell him basically to leave his girl alone and let her enjoy this joyous occasion. Sure, he beat him up a bit, but he was just trying to defend his woman’s honor. Most women would appreciate that, not leave their man for another.
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Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson in “Wedding Crashers”.
7 — Their Relationship Issues Weren’t All His Fault
The movie focuses so much on the fact that Lodge was cheating, but what about when Claire goes to the beach with John and kisses him. She cheated too. Also later on, the film makes Lodge out to be the bad guy when we doesn’t want to play a game with her. It looked like he was working at the time, so what did she want? The man is trying to plan a future and she wants his constant attention? Grow up Claire!
7 — People Forget He Was an Animal Lover and Activist
Lodge is made to look like a goofy, animal lover and president of the Environmental Defense League. The man picked up a sea otter and wiped oil off it to save its life! He’s a hero, not the butt of a joke.
8 — He Got Unfairly Punched in the Face
At the end of the movie, here comes John Beckwith again, this time interrupting his best friend Jeremy’s wedding to hit on Claire … again! So, when Lodge says “Enough’s enough” and tries to break it up, he gets a fist in the face from Jeremy. Not cool, bro.
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PHOTO: Owen Wilson in “Wedding Crashers”.
9 — Beckwith Interrupted His Best Friend’s Wedding!
With the last reason in mind, the selfish, childish Beckwith had the audacity to interrupt Jeremy’s wedding to Isla Fisher’s Gloria, who had probably dreamt about this day since she was a little girl. Now that moment, those beautiful memories of her wedding, have been replaced with John Beckwith stepping in and professing his love to Claire. Are you serious?!
10 — He Put an Effort in With Claire’s Family
Throughout the entire movie, Lodge is making a real effort to be part of the family. He stays with them at the family estate and seems to be very close with Secretary Cleary. So, what do they do when Claire decides she wants John. They cut him loose like he was nothing. So much for forming bonds and putting in time. Any girl would be lucky to have a partner spend that much time with her family.