On a spring afternoon in 1997 in Vienna, I googled myself for the first time. Technically speaking, of course, I didnât. Google didn’t exist yet. Altavista’s search engine was the best one around then.
My own computer wasn’t connected to the Internet, but the father of a friend of mine had a cousin who told him that the World Wide Web was not to be missed. At my friendâs house, we typed in his father’s cousin’s access phone number. After a few seconds, we heard the birdsong of the telephone modem, followed by a deep growling and crackling. So this is what the Internet sounded like.
We asked Altavista about quantum mechanics, Batman, Vladimir Nabokov. If you searched for Mozart, you got more than a thousand results. We were amazed. Who had written all this? Who had the time to read it? And then, to my own surprise, I typed my name.
Now searching for your own name online is a modern neurosis. Everyone talks about how they can’t help self-googling. We’re supposed to say we never do it any more - which is rarely true. Weâve all discovered that we were more narcissistic than weâd ever imagined; weâve learned to live in the company of our distorted Internet twins. I got the first eerie glimpse of mine back in 1997, when it all still seemed like innocent fun.
Source: Free News Headlines Technology My Internet: Self-Googling in 1997