Katharine Jackson, the 86 years old mother of the late megastar Michael Jackson requested and obtained a restriction order against a nephew whom she accuses of intimidation, emotional abuse and the fact that he has obtained information about her bank accounts, informs Reuters. Trent Lamar Jackson, a nephew of 52 years from the family of Michael’s father, Joe, worked as a driver for Katherine Jackson.
A lawyer of Katharine Jackson specified in the documents submitted to a court in Los Angeles this week that she fears her grandson and she is afraid that he will use her credit cards and other financial information for personal gains. ‘Mrs. Jackson has to hide in her closet to speak to her kids so she can speak freely,’ it is indicated in the text. ‘Trent was supposed to be her driver, but over time (he) has infiltrated Mrs. Jackson’s business and personal affairs, even referring to himself as her ‘house manager’,’ according to the court documents obtained by the New York Daily News. Trent also screened Jackson’s phone calls, he did not allow privacy during the phone calls and visits an he didn’t relay the messages. He also managed to get a key to Katherine’s bedroom and he enters her room whenever he wants.
A judge of the superior court in Los Angeles issued a temporary restriction order against Lamar Jackson, requiring him to move from the house of Katharine Jackson from Calabasas, in the vicinity of Los Angeles, and not to come any closer to more than 100 meters from her. In the file was scheduled a hearing on March 1st. Lamar Jackson could not be contacted to comment on the information, notes Reuters. Michael Jackson, one of the nine children of Katherine Jackson, died in 2009 at the age of 50 years.
What is wrong with you guys? Your mother should be able to call one of you to fix this problem. You only get one mother. Jackson kids I hope you hear this old lady.
My God of Jehovah child of one and only this man need to in jail for at least 15 or more year’s Janet come here and see about dame Mother Joe Jackson so called husband adultery child beater just crazy man whole family is dysfunction mother fucker
I think mother J. has endure enough in 1 life time without dealing with another joe family i wish i was you son or bodyguard You’ll not have problem like this Og aka old guy command sgt major retired army special forces 5 group hoora stay bless mother J
Those boys are too busy caking grease and other goop in their hair to worry about Mother Jackson.
That family must be very dysfunctional if their Mother (Matriarch and Queen) can be violated and they not know anything about it. Where is her protection.? Without her there would be NO Jackson 5, NO Thriller, NO “Call Me Janet, If Ya’ Nasty”, NO Record Deals, NO Millions, NO Nothing, NO Life. That’s your God-Given Mother, take care of her…
I hope he goes to jail. I also hope ALL HER KIDS KNOW ABOUT THIS.
This is very sad, Ms.. JACKSON have to go through this and a FAMILY member. You know this couldn’t be my mommy. I would throw that ni— out on his head and dare, him to come back. Where are the sons,